Tag: Regenerative Grazing

Shade Haven Aids Restoration at Rustaret Farm

Margaret McCallum and Rusty Bittermann are the first Shade Haven owners on Prince Edward Island, a small Canadian province on the Atlantic coast. Last year they added a SH1200 mobile shade system to their grazing plan. It’s just one more way this hardworking couple is improving their farm.

“We have fields that we could not use at certain times of the year without a Shade Haven,” notes McCallum, who values the Shade Haven for keeping her heritage breeds of cattle and sheep healthy. “Knowing that we can protect them from heat stress is the most important thing, but we also use the Shade Haven to renovate pasture. That’s a huge benefit.”

Renovating pasture is something McCallum and Bittermann know very well. They have spent the last 14 years reviving the soil on their 300-acre farm. “Our farm is hilly, and over the years, wind and water erosion had thinned out the topsoil on cropped fields, and industrial agriculture destroyed the life in the soil,” recalls McCallum.

Reviving the land
To bring the soil and the farm back to life, McCallum and Bittermann used regenerative practices including rotational grazing. They added infrastructure, cleared overgrowth, and installed fences and lanes. Their efforts have significantly increased the soil’s organic content and ability to retain moisture.

Additionally, a growing number of birds and insects now thrive on Rustaret farm. McCallum attributes that to the absence of pesticides and the addition of several ponds, constructed in conjunction with Ducks Unlimited Canada.

“We wanted to work as much as possible with natural cycles to increase the farm’s biodiversity, including the microbiota that live in healthy soil,” explains McCallum. “We wanted to increase the capacity of the soil to hold water and sequester carbon, to minimize topsoil loss through erosion and to reduce the need for off-farm inputs.”

Having animals on the land was essential to achieving their soil-building goals. Manure from their sheep and cattle provides nutrients needed to replenish the soil. With the Shade Haven, McCallum can keep her livestock and the nutrients on the pasture and away from the tree line.

“We use the Shade Haven to renovate specific parts of each paddock, parking it where we want the cattle and sheep to deposit their manure, and then spreading seed under it a day or so before we move it,” she explains.

Belted Galloways, Kerrys and American Milking Devons at Rustaret Farm

The herd
Three heritage breeds of cattle graze through the paddocks at Rustaret Farm. The herd includes 17 Kerrys, which are an endangered breed historically known as the family cow of Ireland; 36 American Milking Devons; and 15 Belted Galloways.

Also grazing at Rustaret Farm are 80 breeding ewes and 5 rams. The heritage breeds of meat sheep include Wiltshire Horn and polled Wiltshire. McCallum says they are trying to develop hybrid varieties of sheep that both preserve the heritage and produce a market weight needed to be profitable.

Shade Haven delivery on a rainy day in early June 2023

Investing in shade
To purchase their Shade Haven, McCallum and Bittermann used funds from the On Farm Climate Action Fund, a cost-share program established by the Canadian government in 2022. The fund supports farmers in adopting beneficial management practices, including rotational grazing, that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases. The couple hopes to secure additional cost-share dollars toward the purchase of another Shade Haven.

“The Shade Haven is easy to move and stable even when parked on slopes, and it’s easy to furl up when the weather forecast includes strong winds,” notes McCallum. “Having portable shade has made it easier for us to plan our pasture rotations.”

Rustaret Farm sells cattle and sheep for breeding stock. Their American Milking Devon and Kerry bull calves are suitable to train as oxen. The farm also welcomes small group farm tours. Check out Rustaret Farm’s website for more information. 

Grazing Matters

Film series uncovers the benefits of adaptive multi-paddock grazing

The new docu-series Roots So Deep (You Can See the Devil Down There) is a culmination of nearly a decade of research, science and filming seeking to answer the question – Is adaptive multi-paddock (AMP) grazing better for the farmer, the land and the climate?

Since the Shade Haven mobile shade system is a tool used in successful managed grazing programs throughout North America and Europe, we are happy to promote this film and even caught up with Director Peter Byck for some insight into this four-part film series.

“I started this project because I was worried about climate change, but very quickly I became an advocate for farmers,” notes Arizona State University professor and filmmaker Peter Byck. “That’s the first line in the movie, ‘I love farmers’, and my second line is ‘I love science’.”

Throughout the project, Byck and a team of scientists learned from the farmers – not the other way around. In return he and his team hope to help farmers be more profitable while helping the planet.

“This is not a we’re right, you’re wrong situation,” says Byck. “We see how grazing is being done, and we think we might have found a way for farmers to make more money, spend less money, have healthier land, and create a better ecosystem.”

Data-driven results

The Roots So Deep film series is based on the AMP Grazing Southeast U.S. research project which compares conventional grazing to AMP grazing. The project followed five sets of farms over five years. Each set consisted of one farm grazing conventionally; the other practicing AMP grazing. The data-driven results are pretty stark.

The AMP-grazed land has a wider diversity of forage and three times the bird life and microbial life. Additionally, the AMP-grazed pastures sequester four times the carbon and better withstand weather extremes.

Prior to filming the Root So Deep series, Byck created the short film Soil Carbon Cowboys. The regenerative-grazing-focused film features grazing expert and Shade Haven user Allen Williams along with Gabe Brown and Neil Dennis. That  ultimately led to the AMP grazing research project behind the current film series.

Though planning and fundraising began years earlier, the scientific research for the AMP Grazing Southeast project kicked off in 2018.

“This project from the very beginning is about asking questions and trying to find answers, without any blame or shame,” notes Byck. “We want every farmer to know the power of their decisions and how important they are to the ecology of the planet.”

During the filming, Byck was intrigued by the curiosity the farmers had for what their neighbor was doing. “There was no judgement. It was curiosity. To me that was a huge opportunity…because we were there filming, I could say, ‘hey, do you guys want to talk about this’.”

He hopes the film will continue to spark conversation between farmers.

The science team’s data on birds was particularly eye-opening. “The data revealed how many more grassland birds were landing and living on one side of the fence and not on the other side, and the only difference was the method of grazing,” explains Byck. “I saw how powerful that was for some of the farmers to find out that their land wasn’t a good habitat for these birds.”

Creating life-supporting habitat begins with soil. Byck notes that soil is the base of both the problem and the solution. “If you mistreat our soils, they emit carbon, if you treat them right, they suck down carbon. The farmers that are really focused on soil health are leading the way to solving climate change. Our place of common ground is soil health.”

Check out the Roots So Deep trailer here!